May Allah ease everything


I don't even care about my past, the ordeal i faced.
But i remember it.

Your act affected me.
Like a saying goes ; ppl doesn't bully you nor what but their act affect you.

Lebih kurang la kot.

Ups. Sempat lagi.
Lawak tau.
Gelak sikit.


Selamat datang 2014!

Selamat tinggal 2013!
Selamat datang 2014!

2013 - It was a tough year for me. There're so many things happened, & it's like they're looking at me, sitting beside me right now. I hope, the bitter memories will not following me, to face this 2014 year.. Aameeen.

But, I trust, that all the bitter memories, Allah has selitkan some goodness. He make me strong & i believe too, semua perkara buruk yang terjadi itu sebab Allah tu nak bagi kte perkara yang baik-baik :-)  Trust Allah, you lose nothing. Keep up to be Husnodzon!